
Skepticism or cynicism?

I am, by no means, a great driver. I have, on at least one occasion, mistaken first gear for reverse on my manual transmission. Of course I’ve stalled the engine in traffic. Duh. Manual.


My grandfather on my dad’s side fought alongside the Germans on the Eastern Front , in the Romanian army. I never met him, but my dad says he used to tell stories of the Russians storming machine gun emplacements, and getting mowed down...And yet more would keep coming....


Also, “but,” not “by."

The following relates to another part of Europe, namely Romania, and it’s been awhile since I was there, so it might not be current, by people used to upbadge cars. I’ll bet you’ve never seen an M3 GTI....Dacia before....

A) China called to say “Great job!”

You’ve got an F-18 and a MIG 29 there. The one did not evolve into the other.

It was really easy to borrow from strangers, I hear.

Looks like they didn't!

That’s what I said!

Funny. That looks like a Chinese knockoff of a Mini. :/

Try Warshift? On Steam.

End it happily, as far as the donkey’s concerned.

I second the pics request, but I am terrified.

Those look great....

All the way to the bank? :)

Christopher Columbus?