
Is that what the gases from the putrefaction process escaping the body sound like?? Weird!

G.O.D.? Cutesy play on words. If it's indescribable, then how can anyone find it and...you know, describe it?

When exactly did you determine, George, that we'll NEVER answer these questions? Let's set aside the arbitrary importance of these particular questions and their relevance. You KNOW we'll never answer them? I know that it's the way of the internets to make lists and make the titles of said lists sound pompous, but

You can copy the dictionary, but miss graymachine's point. Do you "know" god? Or, are you just perpetuating a narrative?

So, wait. YOU declare god's attributes and its necessity. You're making a show of your faith, but we're all hypocritical, are we not?

One person changing his mind doesn't mean there is a god. Where are your spirits? Nowhere but in your imagination. They gotta move out of there, and into the demonstrable realm.

So, you can't have 100% proof...but then you're left with faith. Is that how this works? Anything not 100% must be faith based? Care to define faith? Is there any point where it's not faith, if you can't have 100% anything? Weirdly enough, faith is a 100% kinda thing- you believe, don't qualify your beliefs, and

And where is there 100% proof of anything? Do you understand that the scientific method precludes 100% anything by demanding falsifiability?

Your assertion that people need jibber jabber is baseless. Whence the need? Cui bono? What's more, religion and woo are taught to us. They're further reinforced by the mantra of ignorance "You're entitled to your beliefs," and other such meaningless nonsense meant to make everyone FEEL special, as opposed to

Why would anyone need a lie in order to promote demonstrable facts? I mean, cui bono, other than the false beliefs, which get another breath of life, needlessly?

But it is OK for allegedly religious politicians to promote their religious agendas against children and adults? It's OK to promote creationism in schools, and to cut science funding because it offends some people's religious sensibilities? That's fair, right?

119th century? Is Bill Nye in possession of a time machine?

Ah, yes, that old chestnut, that assumes a life after death. Cute. Your threat however doesn't impress, armchair terrorist.

I always regard ignorance as an evil thing, as deleterious. And its proponents do not deserve respect. Why would anyone respect a lie?

Science exploded under the Muslims, actually. Then the West got access to the knowledge they preserved and enhanced from the Greeks / Ancient world and went on from there.

You do realize that it was the scientific community that debunked Piltdown man, right? Science, unlike religion, is a self correcting process.

Your entire tirade, while wordy, is easily dismissed when you ignorantly proclaim that there's no evidence for evolution...and lots against it. Good bye.