Can somebody please, PLEASE explain to me how one gets 110 hp from a 5.8 liter V8? I mean, what's the tradeoff? Enough torque to spin the planet backwards on its axis? Or, are they using a single cylinder?!
For the n-th time, the simulations aren't explaining the whole of history. They don't purport to do that, and no one other than you is saying that they are. YOU ARE WRONG. They are merely trying to answer (in a very limited fashion) a very simple question. You are blowing things out of proportion, because you have…
I figured I'd drop to your level.
Damn. And here I was hoping for an interesting tale...if a poorly written one. :D
You're not very good at looking at primary sources.
What they're doing is not history. They're not looking at primary sources. They're not looking at real societies. The only person calling this "bad history" is you.
Did he type any differently as a werewolf?
So, no historical/ biological/ anthropological study is worth a dime, since basing your study on them is so flawed?
They're comparing two kinds of fictional societies to see what might drive them. Using those results, they're trying to extrapolate to real life. Nowhere does it say those societies are like any particular, or any general ancient society.
" So they designed a computer simulation that compared two basic types of societies: egalitarian ones, in which all resources are shared equally, and hierarchical societies, in which some groups have greater access to resources than others."
How does one date the age of dirt DNA, so as to analyze ecosystems past? How long does DNA ...uhh...survive in dirty?
You said: "But anyone can say he's killing in the name of Jesus and there's no objective way to say he's any less Christian than any other Christian, because anyone can interpret religious texts to mean practically anything they want."
Not as much as they might. They get hijacked by religion- it's not just a good deed, it becomes a "goddidit" and that is a lie. Also, what positive actions? Prayer? Ineffectual. Charity? They don't have a monopoly on charity. What else have they done that's so good? Gimme a couple of examples, will you?
Come on. The Curies and the MP people were scientists and thus frail bodied nerds. That's what made the radiation deadly to 'em.
So, religion is a virus, very effective (until the modern age) at spreading the meme. Viruses should be eliminated, even memetic ones which spread wanton lies. :)
"...but atheism is not an inoculation against extreme beliefs."
So, they use the word scientific....which makes them scientists? Have you ever heard of Christian scientists? They haven't got a clue about science. Labels don't mean anything, OW, actions are the only ones that mean anything.