
...shader on her bodysuit? I know, right?

Tracer is a young pilot with a cute accent that somehow got lost in time during a test flight. As a result, she can manipulate time at will. Left clicking uses her "pulse pistols," Shift allows her to dash forward in time, E allows her to dash backwards in time, and Q drops a pulse bomb. See all of this in action here:

Now playing

One of the slickest of the bunch, Reaper is a pistol-wielding terrorist according to Overwatch's fiction. He can turn into a wraith, he has a move called Shadow Step that allows him to teleport, he can do an awesome spinning move called death blossom, and more.

The most magic thing about games to me is when you see a new cast of characters in a new system and you start debating who you want to main. Who are you going to identify with/learn/get your ass kicked with/defend or denigrate on the forums with/have a love/hate relationship with?

Right now it's looking like Zenyatta

Next time I have an orgasm I really want to say, "Take 3 Satisfaction Tokens from the Intimacy Pool" but I'd just be talking to myself.

Someone put this on their FB page, to show how easily its faked

Apparently PYT stands for "Publicizing Your Tips."

What we have learned today is that these morons cannot be in front of a camera for longer than 50 seconds without saying something monumentally stupid.

I don't think so. I think he has crippling emotional issues because he was an 11 year old orphan who was turned into a horrible monster for not letting a strange old woman in his house. Now, admittedly, I do recall the movie saying he was a bratty little jerk, but the appropriate response for that is not

Well someone needs a hug.

Stop pushing your Pandaren agenda on us. No one believes in your rhetoric of supposed neutrality, anyway. We all know what you're up to.

"There are reasons why white gun's rights activists can walk into a Chipotle restaurant with assault rifles and be seen as gauche nuisances while unarmed black men are killed for reaching for their wallets or cell phones, or carrying children's toys."

Excellent piece

A little correction on the title: World of Warcraft now has fiery corgis for it's tenth anniversary.

I don't know if anyone has commented about this yet, but what (also) blows my mind about this whole thing is... wtf is going on with the teachers on that field trip?!

She initially told investigators that a stranger came into her bunk in the middle of the night, because she "didn't want to get him, a friend, in trouble" (a claim that, of course, was used to discredit her later).

Speaking as a (gay) man, unless and until there is not only a sea-change in how we deify athletes but how we teach males beginning at age five to deal with testosterone, emotions and ego, I fear this will only increase exponentially, with eyes wide shut.

He acknowledged to law enforcement that she told him to stop several times but

Seems to me like these people need to spend less time making spreadsheets and more time spreading on the sheets, amirite?