
I just got to the swamp. So far the game feels clumsier than AC2, which I've been playing through off and on. The combat seems streamlined, and I'm not sure I like it; though, it's all been one big tutorial so far. The story is kind of laughable so far. There's nothing compelling, and it all seems like some kind

It looks like they're just pre-loading the add-on for quick compatibility and calling it a day.

It was weird. There was a period in time that Liberation was going for 4.99, pre-coupon. Needless to say, I jumped on it.

It has a great cast, but its humor seems pretty much exclusively for kids. I assumed prior that the movie was for all ages, like most Disney movies.

After years of playing on consoles, then switching to PC gaming and getting everything on a bargain, I don't care. The deals are too good; and, even if I don't end up playing much of anything for too long at all, I still feel that I do not lose much in the transaction. It's a good way to venture into games that I

Capcom are just idiots. Like Square-Enix (particularly the Japanese branch), they're making mediocre-to-bad games and blaming it on some kind of social problem: East vs West, fanbase age. How up in your ass do you have to be?

This year: Arkham Destiny/Adventures/Revelations/Origins, Deadly Premonition, and Tomb Raider.

Haven't really found myself engrossed in Bioshock Infinite, but I do like it so far. Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is an honorable mention.

I think it's a sweet statement, even if overall politically pointless. It's very sweet.

The new Tomb Raider game was fantastic. I was very surprised. It was one of the best games I've played in a few years, and I can say that because it had me hooked. Hardly any games have really grabbed me in the last few years, and even if they do, I may not be enjoying myself as much as I did with Tomb Raider.

Both DmC and LoS have really bad stories. LoS at least tried, and it's better in concept than in its execution, which is incredibly melodramatic and full of bad writing. In terms of combat, DmC is a little better; but, they are very similar. When it deviates from the combat, both games lose a little. LoS has you

DmC is better than Lords of Shadow.

Now playing

It can be a pretty good looking game, but it's also very mediocre. That's to say I did not have much fun playing it. And the dialogue is hilariously bad. This is a shame, because with an English team penning the game in its entirety, you would think we would get something better than the odd Engrish. But guess

I agree. The original is a much smarter action game. The reboot benefits from aping on the evolution of the action genre over the past decade, but it fails to do anything remarkable with them really, and actually lacks the polish, brains and precision that made the first so great. People often forget how smart the

There are a few solely Asian movies that have been hits over here. I doubt the majority populace would be able to tell the difference between Japanese and Chinese, should the Nationality of the actors be important.

I thought Portal 1 was funnier, and didn't drag on as long.

Pirating is the ultimate demoing experience. I'm half-kidding. I've ended up buying nearly all of the games I've pirated, when they drop to a price I deem worthy.

Even the bad ones actually, if they're cheap enough. Not shit like this year's "Dark" though.

Yeah. Spock tips further over the edge, especially once the costume changes. He becomes this heavy force, and a hero in the way only an evil crazy genius could be.

Superior Spider-Man is great.

Nah man, I get it. It's just that I wanted to treat myself to -something-. Live to Consume, America. I'm a PC gamer and the performance of the consoles isn't very impressive. I'm just wondering if I should future proof my PC or jump in the next generation of consoles.

This is the kind of response I wish more designers made.