Dwhite - Powered by Caffeine, Daft Punk, and Corgis

I don't even wear hats!

Hey Ken, whaddya think of BrownDogWelding's version of the Hoonicorn?

So that's what Dwhite does with his free time. Interesting.

Now playing

Because this post shouldn't run without this virtuoso bit from last night's LWT:

I had to do this for eight months that one time I thought I needed to buy a new fuel tank, Jack.

K Roll is gonna love this.

Generally, I'd agree, but leasing a car for "free" is far more fiscally responsible than buying... damned near anything.

The Miata isn't the best car ever made.

Instead of "Why can't Saab survive?", why aren't you asking "Why can't we let Saab go?" They haven't made interesting or broadly appealing cars in a couple decades, yet for some reason, there's a small group of fetishists here that continues to think Saab will make it if they just get the right opportunity or

So leave, and take your hipster elitism with you. This place doesn't need your brand of "its not the same as it was, so now its inferior" attitude.

Yay! :P

That's in Kinja 3.0. Get excited.

Pick up a history book.

Finally sat down to knock one out....

I...no. Not even going to bother.

The real benefit will be in the road kill deer. The damn thing ruined my car I might as well at least get a couple hundred bucks out of it.

That is pretty embarrassing. I've been told people buy BMWs to avoid this problem.