
Your rage is also misplaced, however. Gunn has repeatedly called for more diverse shapes on the runway. He disapproves of using tall, skinny, white women, and has said so many times before. He was saying here that designers are using trans models, who specifically fit all the boxes of cis-female models, as a guise of

There is no past - are you saying the past never happened? I'm so confused. How did I end up here in this particular place and time with the injuries I have? And five minutes from now will I have not written this post?

If only there were some sort of tangentially related image from a television show that applied here!

OK your turn to drop a mic now.

I, for one, would like to talk about the white on white crime rate. White crime victims are overwhelmingly likely to be victimized by another white person. Let's talk about that! Clearly, there is something wrong in their culture and communities that makes this white on white crime thing happen.

This may the most brilliant piece of viral marketing for Guardians of the Galaxy yet.

Honestly, I don't know the answer, and even if I did, the answer would be so deep that I don't think I could do it justice in a comment. I think it's a mixture of sexism and trauma caused by racism and our country's history. For the record, I think that black men who marry women of other races can also catch a lot

Shut your fucking face uncle-fucker.

Darn those kids playing their vinyl records backwards!

Actually it's pronounced Sateen (:

Lady, it's just a meme. You're taking it too far.

I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two. That's what Brain Boitanao'd do.

We must blame them for all the fuss before somebody thinks of blaming USSSSS!

Hail Satan!


Just listened to "Snowbird" this morning....

is she still alive? lmao!

you, my friend, are heeelarious!

We aren't too smart when it comes to murder. I recall a case where the victim was buried in a snowbank.