
Yea, after I got a scar from a spider bite it was time to declare war on all of them for me 

Yea...I actually do this with my torch and I don’t plan on stopping 

I’m hearing other reports that say they were suspicious packages but not explosives?

People named chad suck 

Ending blew, totally agreed

Season 2 was pretty meh after a mostly spectacular season 1.  Most of my friends feel the same way.  I’m only a few episdoes into Daredevil S3 but it’s feeling decidedly the same ‘meh-ness’ too

Still waiting for Black Friday for this one, assuming we’ll get it at least 10 - 20% cheaper if not more 

Still waiting for Black Friday for this one, assuming we’ll get it at least 10 - 20% cheaper if not more 

That’s a good point too 

People who say they have a ‘flirty’ personality as a way of deflecting blame tend to be the worst people 

So many people are hating on this game, I’m hoping it doesn’t disappoint 

You always, always take the lump sum. Interesting to see the differences state to state; still, you 1000% take the money for it’s FMV


Is this like surprise sex 

I think you have to realize GTA Online made so much money that R* realistically could provide a reasonable buffer for RDR2 that eased the pressure on the dev team.  It really sounds like this project had a good amount of slack once that shark card $$$ started rolling into the coffers 

Sometimes I cradle my PC’s GPU in my arms like a child

I think that was the issue and why it was released too soon, it was so far above anything else that it became this weird outlier 

I think it’s still a major roadblock, that hardware was too far ahead of its time 

That’s what I thought too, I seem to remember hearing that emulating that hardware would be a cost nightmare.  

Give me Saturn 

I’ve really liked this series so far!!