
THank you


I don’t know, I feel like GTA’s more mature themes are still better than wanton violence in an FPS. I’m not speaking down to any of these games or parents decisions, but you have to believe these sorts of things do impact kids.

I would be? What?

It’s mental health in general but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t consider how laxly the ESRB is enforced and what it means for kids with issues to be exposed to certain factors

Or you could shut it down like a good cache-clearing user

Disappointing but at the same time I’m starting to think there’s some point to saying little kids playing COD may not be the best thing.

Nice find

Making fun of that circus of a family is a better national pastime than baseball. They’re fools.

The 90 Pike


I’m glad he’s back

The Spam is a nice touch.

I agree, took the train once and haven’t done it again. The walk is, imo, faster and has great ambiance.

This is entirely preventable, end of game is the moment these guards should be on alert.

I was mad at the people laughing. He wasn’t trying to joke, he was trying to negotiate



This was a good article

“I’m appealing to humanity’s best possible instincts and virtues.” +1

Yea, but our society castigates simple thought exercises that push the notion that the most troubled among us (re: pretty much everyone, deep down) are still deserving of consideration. Everyone stresses having an open mind but not many really try to