
Right? I couldn’t believe how bad this game was at launch, it’s amazing it still has a player count. Bullet sponge gameplay was a complete drag

This is a good idea

I’ve been seeing the most OUTRAGEOUS tweets surrounding Wolfenstein. The world’s going to shit.

Palooka is part of the joke too! No worries, I meant no disrespect either

You mean he’ll be OKC

I’d read it

Kyle Katarn is missed

Disappointing what Boba Fett has become... I remember one of the Tales short stories showed him as a much more pensive character. Jabba ‘gifts’ him Leia for a night, and he has a philosophical conversation with her. His canon now is verging on barely-humanoid.

Haha, that joke went right over your head. Go watch some Tarantino, you palooka.

Is it really a thing to hate the NBA? Is that a thing racists do? Really?? I mean, their loss.


Right in the feels

You’re talking about a a guy competing in strongman events vs someone whose specialty is stunts and acrobatics, that’s not even in the same fuckin’ ballpark, it ain’t the same league, it ain’t even the same fuckin’ sport. 

Part genetics, sure, but it sounds like you didn’t do the right core exercises you were seeking.

Feel good stories becoming harder to come by these days...

I’m guessing that dude works out

Lots of complete and utter misinformation.

Cutting the corporate tax rate will make the US more competitive with the rest of the world, and the vast majority of economists see it attracting a) more businesses to the US and b) would see companies like Google that use EU tax havens actually pay a reasonable rate

The REAL Actual Reason: You just want some of those black and white shaders, man.

Wow! This is definitely the best lineup I’ve ever seen. I just put off buying both of these recently and am finally feeling the opposite of buyer’s remorse for once.

The story wasn’t half-bad