
This game put my love for the series in a fucking coffin. Who even cares at this point...

Looks like he lost track of the alignment, thought it was upright when it was upside-down, and pulled up right into the ground. 

They should string him up from a street lamp, but they won’t

Sure looks like full 2 reps.

Could have been funny material because the whole “love your body thing” is way overblown, but Spags is, simply, not a very good writer. Portnoy is still a Man among boys, but he comes off weak and certainly had his hand forced by the higher ups.

Sounds like someone is still snorting Ambien. What a clown

This is good content.

Great episode, folks.

Anyone who’s taken mushrooms knows this just ain’t true.


Smoking, drinking, and junk food in moderation have much less severe, proven health consequences compared to blood doping, which absolutely ups the risk of very bad things. EPO levels aren’t something to poke at.

Running in Oregon is a rockstar sport, so while the volume of these revelations are surprising their underlying nature is not. Competition begets corruption. I was never that good at XC, but a lot of my teammates trained with Salazar and folks. I wouldn’t say it came off as shady....but there was a focused, hushed

I agree with your sentiment. It’s almost like the gruesomeness of the crime is so great that people are forgetting how this happened.

I was going to say, No Man’s Sky?

And that’s retirement for you.

I could see Obi-Wan being Luke’s real father.

Any app designs differences can’t justify the widening gap between the two companies. As time goes on, I’m finding Lyft drivers more reliable and one ride this weekend had Uber priced at $40 and Lyft at $20. I still go to the Uber app first in my phone, usually, but I’m using Lyft way more often than 1 - 2 years

I’d wonder how this compares to other sports.


Worth it.