

Thank you, based Internet Gods.

Settle tf down, Dyson is the best

I don’t get it

One night he got high on mushrooms and got like 92 percent correct!


Given the punishments the government would have for this kind of stunt, I have to believe it’s fake af

Your articles are a constant yawnfest of content recycled from other sites. Great work -_-

I played REZ VR at PAX and it absolutely blew me away

Brilliant move

I hear it can also be a side effect of getting absolutely roasted by JB on Instagram but what do I know?

I’d guess that someone bought into one of the ever-present EVE scams.

I’ve certainly noticed that running counts for less compared to walking but I’ve also noticed that areas with spotty reception or difficult GPS tracking (mostly rural or dense city areas, not a lot between) add to the problem. I’m also wondering if updates are variable because sometimes it seems to track in real time

I’m wondering if it’s tied to getting gold status on all of the achievements

Hard same

Hard same


I thought I could make it through without cringing but good. freaking. lord. That was rough

“OH my god, my lungs are on fire” **takes another rip** **snorts a shooter**

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