
Loved this game. LOVED IT

Stalker is up there on my list of “unknown but great” films. Little slow but it just NAILED it for me.

Thank you for reminding me that Space Quest 6 stumped me the second I stepped on my ship :(

Haha, I like how he says USADA like it’s some terrorist organization, “Oh hey guys, ISIS is here!”

Great Prodigy reference, haha

Wait....Alien is about what now??

Monkey Island is probably my favorite gaming series of all time....but this list has made me realize that Fate of Atlantis was a better GAME. It nailed the formula for a good adventure game, just oozed FUN.

This was worth my time.

Winner winner chicken dinner. Seriously though, he did no wrong. Sports.


We needed a sequel :(

Agreed, saw it the 2nd time the same day.

Thought the same thing :(

How very politically worded of them.

Such a good game

Misery loves company, sorry to hear. It’s still going to challenge Deus Ex as my G.O.A.T., but I wish I had maintained the mystery :( Of all places it had to be posted in a MUSIC forum.

Someone spoiled a huge part of the “looking for your son angle” this morning. I’m very seriously contemplating tracking the culprit down and changing their life for the worse.


Aw maaan

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