
Wow! You mean to say that using someone else’s copyrighted work without permission in your own work isn’t allowed? Christ, people today are fucking dumb.

This is a pretty bold opinion for a guy who fucks the Brewers every 5th day.

Well, that relationship lasted about as long as my last relationship.

Even Rome eventually fell.

“We stopped giving [press conferences] because we’ve been given inaccurate news.” is an actual quote from his press conference. Jesus Christ...

The fact that you give Formula E any credence as a racing series while they do garbage like this cheapens any other coverage you provide.

Much as I want to believe this is true, there’s no way it’s true. It reads far too close to a 4Chan Greentext to actually be true.

Nice to see that correspondence course Mike Kyghujrtyrkai took at Penn State on looking the other way is paying off.

Berman’s available, FWIW.

I’m just here for the cover photo.

It’s a 6!

I’m no longer allowed in church after pointing out that Jesus is not the same as Immanuel. So that’s a plus.

Good. Eventually these red state fuckers will figure out that the people they keep voting for are the same ones screwing them in the ass. Or they’ll die because they don’t have a job, don’t have health insurance, and don’t have anywhere to turn for help. Either way, good.

Another Minnesota coach gets Axed.

Shell eating is just a ploy by BIG SHELLED PEANUT to make their product easier to consume.

They’re simple, salt-of-the-earth type people. You know, morons.

“Here’s what’s coming: in January, we’re transitioning the Vine app to a pared-down Vine Camera. With this camera app you’ll still be able to make six-second looping videos, and either post them directly to Twitter or save them to your phone.”

Black Tie: Underrated, or extremely underrated? I’m going to look amazing (which is a miracle of and in itself) on NYE.