Recent reports suggest BYU is at peace with this decision. They’ve formed a committee to decide which of their 4 spiritual rivals will be the next legal rival.
Recent reports suggest BYU is at peace with this decision. They’ve formed a committee to decide which of their 4 spiritual rivals will be the next legal rival.
Now Real should be able to get a head, butt will the fans accept him?
Reports indicate that Florida State was considering extending him a scholarship for his final year of eligibility, until video evidence surfaced that showed his attack on the Auburn ballboy was only “assault” and not “sexual assualt.”
A+ on the list being long, as well.
I’m sure you’ll treat Steam with the same respect and tolerance for errors that Origin, UPlay, and PSN get.
That so many good columnists got killed by Denton’s axe, yet Totilo remains.
Rodney Harrison has declined to respond, as he’s spending the week performing the customary rituals to animate the desiccated skeleton of Tony Dungy for next week’s show.
“Why do so many MRA’s act like Junior High School girls?”
Pictured: The face he’s going to be making a lot over the next few decades. Hope he likes jelly.
Nice to see Eddie Lacy getting some workouts in before this Sunday’s game.
Per established Vikings policy, Mr. Mayell was supposed to have the accuser find and cut a switch from a nearby tree, and then beat him bloody with it.
“Videos can be old.”
Yeah, but with “Ask a Clean Person” shitcanned, where are you going to publish the answer?
2 Honest Questions, hopefully someone who knows football better can explain?
What do you expect from people hired by a university that decides to hold a football game on a Friday afternoon?
One of the first things I looked for was a notification that this will be the last Jamboroo. I mean, Gawker’s firing the writers of every other column I read regularly, so why not this one?
Sounds like someone’s polishing his resume for when Denton’s axe comes crashing down, just like it’s about to at Gawker.