Don't kid yourself... there's plenty of overlap between those two dumb Venn Diagram circles.
Don't kid yourself... there's plenty of overlap between those two dumb Venn Diagram circles.
+4 bypasses
How about eliminating the ability of the batter to call time out? Last night's game was, for all of its excellence, pretty egregious. At least once the pitcher was in his windup when timeout was called and granted.
Wow... the guy from really let himself go.
This is different from years ago, when Sheets was left with useless Brewers.
You magnificent bastard.
This coming from the same league that's going to have the World Series in November next year... I'm actually rooting for a Twins-Cubs World Series so that it has to be played between snow and sleet storms.
"Hey, thanks for buying this book in overpriced hardcover format. Here's an additional chapter you won't get to read without buying it again!"
The hypocrisy of the NFL crowing about Winston's character issues is beyond the pale. The fact that he's yet to beat a woman or a child should make him a prime draft prospect.
The conspicuous TM represents their commitment to the Brand(TM). *cums*
Fuck this guy. Drop him in a hole, weld a lid on it, and forget he ever existed.
It's not every day you see a flop in the soccer world.
Wow, the NFL is really coming down hard on the face black violations.
Keith Olbermann Punts Roger Goodell As Far As He Can. You'll Be Amazed At What Happens Next!
Joke's on you, BYU doesn't even know the Hail Mary.
That's way too long for an elevator pitch. Shorten it up so that it's harder hitting, lest your competitors beat you to the punch.
How can you say the NFL doesn't care about women? Look at how much pink merchandise they sell! #brand
In a few months, we'll all be enjoying the footage from the Wake Forest HS elevator camera.
1,200 of those home runs were given up by Homer Bailey.