
I am sure it can be registered as an OHV as well as insured in many states.. Of course, it depends on the state’s definition of OHV. NY for example does not recognize any ATV/UTV over 1000 lbs. If slap an orange triangle on it though, you can damn near drive it anywhere as a farm vehicle.

Which is why I disagree with both of them. One extreme to the other. There is always room for compromise.

You make me think of my first Jeep Comanche “Sportruck” back in 1987. 4cyl/4spd, bench seat, no pwr steering, no pwr brakes, no A/C, and the ultimate money saver, no rear bumper. I shit you not, it came from the factory with a 2x4 across the rear frame rails. And that stayed there for 6 months until my brother-in-law

Exactly. As soon as the buyer becomes “aware” they come up with a new tactic to confuses you.

Like a car, cost of repair exceeds value. Blades damaged, tranny shot because of the sudden stoppage, airframe probably tweaked beyond straightening.

Your footnote says it all, drls not parking. I recognize drls for what they are and many drls never illuminate the tailights. The problem people think parking lights are adequate but in dusk and say rain, not enough.

Nope. But maybe if she kept her lights off she would have lasted longer, she’s dead.

I would still want headlights on low beam. If the fog was that thick, I wouldn’t be driving.

Funny you mentioned a Syclone. I walked out of Walmart yesterday and watched a nice all white o e pull into a parking spot. Brave bastard to drive it in Feb in western PA.

Yep, that’s where it became fiction, FCA product. Now if he would have said “A 2018 Jeep, which is now owned by Microsoft obviously”

or the alternative......I was offered to purchase a new update for my system, a mere $150.

On the opposite side of a freeway is not exactly the concern. It’s smaller roads, around town. And nobody uses them for driving. If you do, people flash their lights at you. They give you absolutely no forward vision so why use them when driving? You want to be seen? Just turn your headlights on.

Because “parking lights” as described above, mean the car is parked and not moving. No need to confuse other drivers. That’s why DRL’s are not just amber parking lights but actual white lights.

Maybe they should only come on when the “parking brake” is engaged.

Because or light laws are ancient and need to be changed but nobody dares or care enough to bother.

Never this, please never this.

That’ll work. The only time I will use them is if I’m parked and waiting for the wife or something while the engine is running to keep the radio/heater working and not blind the person pulling in opposite me.

Exactly. Are the headlights somehow too much light at dusk or even daylight? I remember my dad asking me to electrically disable his DRLs because he did not like driving during the day with his headlights on. When I asked why, he said “because I’ll have to change the bulbs more often” My suggestion was to stop driving

You mean reasonable because I probably would have done the same as the cop. My thinking is that he doesn’t realize it and will exit the lot driving away with no headlights.

Are you talking the “delayed off” feature? I’m so used to it now I don’t even notice. Unless it is a non-PCM car, damn near everything on the road today has an automatic batt disconnect for lights. Most go off immediately when the locks engage via the remote.