Yeah their sorry my ass! Their only apologizing now because they made a shit ton of money off people cheating in call of duty, and Activision finally sick and tired of people making money off their ip and causing problems in game for them...
Yeah their sorry my ass! Their only apologizing now because they made a shit ton of money off people cheating in call of duty, and Activision finally sick and tired of people making money off their ip and causing problems in game for them...
They are lucky it wasn’t an otter. Otters can clear a pond of fish within a few hours and once they learn of a food source, nothing short of a trapper removing them from the area will help.
It’s so much easier to be this happy, fulfilled guy than a fussy grump who posts on NextDoor. Attitude is a choice, America!
I hate when parents let their kid off the leash.
They try to make each game as new player friendly as possible, but IMO you really are going to be missing on a significant layer of fun by just going in cold because:
Given reviews of some of Cavill’s previous performances I think Netflix can safely argue that his Sherlock Holmes is two dimensional and devoid of any real emotion.
It’s very clearly a bullshit attempt to get some free money on spurious legal grounds, but it’s also a bullshit reading of the stories. Holmes wasn’t a robot in the earlier books. Though there is something darkly amusing about the Doyle estate basically shouting “Our cash-cow was basically a one-dimensional cardboard…
tired: estates of dead celebrities committed to valiantly preserving their subjects’ integrity
I just assumed with the staged photos this was obvious?
Honestly, the original quote works just as well
I don’t find an issue with ‘don’t drag me into your petty bullshit’ responses like this, or how every musician does a ‘don’t play our music at your rallies” response. It’s a way to distance themselves, which is valuable.
as exhausted as I am by the last 3+ years, I hope I will never get used to the constant, petty, stupid, childish, name-calling by everyone in his administration (well, at least for the next few months). Think how many of his tired nicknames Dipshit used in his press conference—Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas, etc. All the…
Imagine telling on yourself this hard by thinking a woman with a wet pussy has a medical condition.
Don’t leave it in the can, just spatula it out into a tupperware and put in the fridge. Better yet, if you’re planning to eat it later straight up, put the tupperware in the freezer and see how something that’s already as perfect and angelic as dulce de leche can be made even better by being enjoyed very cold (it…
It lasts until my wife knows it exists, especially if there is ice cream in the house :)
Can of sweetened condensed milk.
That’s literally it. Cover with water, high pressure, one hour.
go on....