The Cowboys should have traded for him but Jerry always overreacts to the last event in his life.
The Cowboys should have traded for him but Jerry always overreacts to the last event in his life.
He basically begged to get sued by stating that lack of lawsuit proved his point.
I mean what would have happened if Browns had started off 2 - 0. Would Cleveland still be intact?
You misspelled Browns.
And the Bucs go 3 - 12
Do you think Ace Ventura was a documentary?
Just quit it.
Tony Romo had a better completion percentage and yards per attempt and completion than Aikman.
It is. It’s called bait and switch and is illegal at both state and federal level. It’s always worth a call to your State AG office to file a complaint.
Get off my lawn!
So the trifecta then?
True but you could also argue Smith played on a lot of teams that were often trailing and had to throw the ball. Also, Aikman was good but I do think he is a little bit overrated.
Choking one person until they repeatedly pass out is not a conflict. Nothing “triggered” this guy. He in all likelihood is violent sociopath who needs to be kept away from society for a long time.
This is scary stuff.
And write a new book: Moneyball 2.0!