
I'll bite - what's a Wheaton measure?

I hope there's a box set. Disney isn't known for actually putting their TV stuff on DVD.

So, this takes place before Legacy (movie) and Evolution (game), but after Betrayal (comic) right?

Where's the spit-curl?

Where's the spit-curl?

His sibling?

Sir, I am going to steal the idea of you stealing the concept of stealing the synopsis to write a book trilogy to write a screenplay to make a half-hour sitcom.

Yes, well it's good to have you back.

*slow clap*

Warp drive is a kind of FTL drive, yes.

I was wondering the same thing - pulled it out of the Dock immediately after installing Lion, and it hasn't returned yet.

It's an established internet fact that the closer one gets to a kitty, the less articulate one becomes.

How does the story compare to, say, "Breathers: A Zombie's Lament "? I thought that also was a great inversion of the standard "zombies are the bad-guy" trope.

It is my power, it is my curse.

RE: They didn't have those powers/deformations at birth-

I think it's so that we'll be forced to click-through and bump up the article ad-views.

Couldn't he just open the door with his trunk?

Anyone else getting a Summer Glau / River Tam vibe off Olivia Wilde?

Re: Madagascar - www.crazymonkeygames.com/fullscreen.php?game=pandemic-2

"We've been eating Gamera!"