
So, wait... That lobster in the tank at the sea food place could actually have had a much longer life than me?

@Agrippa: There were reviews? How'd I miss that.

Has anyone tried the other two games yet? I've been tempted to give them a go - Just finished the series, loved it - and was hoping someone could tell me if they were worth it or not.

How does this differ from the pulp sci-fi of the 30's, 40's and 50's? You know - the stuff written with wide-eyed wonder, filled with "science" like shrinking to the size of an atom to visit untold, populated worlds that exist in a bathroom sponge...

@kivel: With Adam West as George Washington, how could it fail?

@kivel: There was an Americanized Blackadder? How'd I miss that?

@BullfightsOnAcid: That is, without a doubt, the greatest thing I've seen all day.

Wow, that new City of Heroes expansion looks awesome.

@Arken: You're looking at this all backwards.

The artist also has a pretty snazzy MST3k t-shirt... And very soon, sixty of my dollars.

@Astropcr: Her mom sees the aftereffects, which could also be self mutilation induced by stress.

@Friendly_Milk: Considering she really is/was a dancer, that would make perfect sense.

@Snow leopard:Touch a boob, and everyone I know may be eaten?

First thing I thought of...

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't evolution via natural selection stop being a factor once we remove the whole "natural selection" from the equation?