
@Nell_fersher: Keeps your feet warm, and sand/dirt free.

Our company policy is to remove all hard drives before getting rid of any equipment.

@tj: The copiers are just really big scanners - it scans the image to the hard drive, then prints the copies based on that scan.

How would the parents have no say in the choreography? Are these parents not paying the choreographer? Do they not have the ability to remove their child from the contest?

Wait - if the suitcase was lost in transit, then the iPad never actually entered the country. So, why would she need to declare something she didn't actually end up bringing in?

Is that a photo or an illustration? The whole thing looks like a weird oil painting...

I doubt he'll ever fully recover. Sure, he might be fine physically, but mentally? Not very likely.

I cannot begin to imagine living in an area where parallel parking was the norm.

Um... No shit?

Why is the nice lady flipping us off?

@eadubbs: Thank you for this.

If you don't want information to be public, don't post it on the internet.