
"Do you think Italians are the same as Norwegians, or Irish or Lithuanians?"

Pegaso! One of my favorite carmakers

I think the 1953 Pegaso Bisiluro deserves a special menction.

I just want to be sure I understand. You, an automotive journalist, are ranking three cars, none of which you have actually driven? I thought these types of rankings were reserved for 15 year olds in the comments section.

So...how many times have you driven each of them, exactly??? :-/

You may want to re-watch that last lap battle.. Your history may be a bit foggy. Joerg didn't punt the Corvette - He tapped the brakes as the Corvette went to hit him, thus having the Corvette spin itself. Also, let's not forget the last turn bump... But that's racing.

When it comes to design, I've found that on the Internet, you could post a picture of a square and someone always says "That looks just like a circle!"

"I defy you to be as adorable as this race of Daihatsu Midgets."

Venera 13

In Russia, road crashes into you.

So, what you are saying is that the e30 M3 is not a real BMW ?

Poor guy must have never spent any time at a Motocross track as a kid. The smell of premix and race gas is heavenly!

That qualifies as a manual in my opinion which, I think, demonstrates where god comes down on this particular debate.

I grew up with a r4. the gear shift is lolz

That just means he's pushing the car really hard. Plus I'm sure the setup had some understeer dialed in for safety reasons.

No, they're definitely not. But continuing to use a resource that's been in play for a very long time, is much more environmentally friendly than building a bran new car, especially one that uses such rare materials.

Don't get me wrong — I love EVs, I just don't think they're at the stage to be pushed to the

Unimog based Camper? I'll take one!