The black version of this wallpaper is also very nice.
The black version of this wallpaper is also very nice.
Does this mean if you had ultra zen concentration you would be able to focus on your enemy's weapon and everything else would fade away?
Kind of ironic that I received this article in my inbox O_o
This is a really cool article. Its nice to finally see something that isn't reposted from several other blogs...
I may have seen this last night. I took a long exposure, so you can sort of see the trajectory.
That is a good point to bring up. Considering the infinite size of our universe, anything that is possible will happen at some point. However, I do not believe that it is possible for life forms to arise from mere chemicals and compounds.
It is neither provable nor disprovable; this is why we must have faith. You should read the Bible.
The Creator is uncreated, and everything besides Him is created.
Because these things are so complex that it would require a complex and intelligent Creator.
Unless you can explain these natural processes, then a Creator is the only explanation.
No matter how long I wait, a hunk of carbon is not going to miraculously transform into the incredibly complex life forms that we know today. Even the most simple microorganisms are so complex we do not yet understand them.
A star creating a compound of carbon and hydrogen has nothing to do with the formation of life. If that were the case, then you'd be able to throw some charcoal and water into a bottle, shake it up, zap it with electricity, and then have life forms. It has been thoroughly proven that this does not work.
I want to steal this thing and then donate the money to starving orphans.
You might say that your safety is no longer secured.
I don't see how stuffing dirty cows with corn and then cutting them to pieces is any better...
It is truly a shame that such a young talented person would die like this.