Now that you've explained it, obvious joke is obvious.
Now that you've explained it, obvious joke is obvious.
Was it a shitty, sleazy thing for the porn company to do? Yes
Troll your friends by making masks of their faces and buying whatever candies they hate.
"If Richard Sherman can see through it..."
This is barbaric, but it's no more barbaric than throwing people in jail without proper medical care and without letting them take medications prescribed by their personal physicians and, in general, debasing the shit out of every person who ends up in jail. And don't for one second think that you even need to be an…
I never saw your other comment, but I certainly received this one. :) Sorry you got dragged into this...
Yup, you're definitely the most insufferable, argumentative twit here. When militant assholes like yourself start barking and snapping at every person who attempts to communicate with you as an adult, you do damage to the cause you're purporting to support. MRAs love bitches like you, because you're so easy to…
Was coming here solely to say that. "Malice" in legal terminology isn't the same as "malice" in everyday speech.
Technically/legally, the burden of proof is on her. That is, if there were criminal charges being raised, which there are not. In civil cases (this one for libel) the burden of proof is still with the plaintiff (in this case, him) but it's a much lower standard than in a criminal case.
Co-signed, Lindy. If MRAs actually cared about issues facing men due to traditional gender roles, they'd be feminists! These dudes are just woman haters- bitter, nasty rageaholics - that deserve to be put in a time-out like the tantruming children they are.
Oh, no! Please don't ask people to send pics of their Speedos.
So there's an animal that has Death by Snu Snu?
I'm hoping this will be one of the few times that a person who has said something offensive, actually listens to the critique and applies it to his world view.
A note to rape culture apologists; this is the kinds of shit that happens when you push the "she was asking for it" narrative. Nobody is safe when this attitude is allowed flush. Being elderly won't be protect you from being victim blamed and slut shamed. Very young children won't be protected from it either. So…
Hmmm...maybe, just maybe, social media isn't the proper venue to determine guilt or innocence.
False rape accusations are just as harmful to real victims as his lawsuit may be. How about instead of working over the victim in this case, they focus on the person in the wrong?
So... if he did rape, he's rightfully labeled a villain, but if he didn't do it, he's supposed to accept his name being smeared in the media as a rapist. Interesting.
If your music career can get derailed by a random internet comment, you probably weren't going to be the next Hendrix anyway.
I think a careful distinction would have to be drawn between rape allegations that turned out to be fraudulent (and could plainly be proved to be so) compared to rape allegations that fail either due to a lack of evidence or because it can't be proved beyond reasonable proof
To allow lawsuits post-case in…