
Let's not conflate healthy food with organic food, especially in the childhood obesity discussion. Organic/non-organic really has no bearing. (And I don't know how to say this next part without sounding bitchy, but I assure you that's not the intention): If the probably-college-educated author of this piece can't

I'm sure he's super concerned about his Jezebel "coolness" factor. Look, people are allowed to believe what they want to believe. I think abortion should be legal, but I also think it's taking a life, and it is frightful. Still, I think it should remain safe and legal without restraint. It is possible to think it

Ex-Catholic here. I believe in a woman's right to bodily autonomy. But for reals Jezebel, what exactly do you expect from the Pope? He's THE POPE. Yes, he's going to be against abortion. It's because he's THE POPE.

Sorry, this is the one men's rights issue I actually have a huge amount of sympathy for. My dad got completely screwed over with custody and child support. My mom was mentally unstable (she is bipolar and had documented suicide attempts, for example) but the judge gave her full custody because "small children should

I call bullshit. Michael Jackson has never been in anything older than 1990.

Your objections would apply to all marriages of people with those religious views, not just to the polygamist ones. I have many objections to the belief that women are made to serve men, but I don't think keeping polygamy illegal is preventing the oppression of these women. I worry that it isolates them from society.

You know, I read some science fiction books by Robert Heinlein when I was young and impressionable. They made an impact on my thinking about marriage, even now, decades later. Because of those books, I never stop asking this question: As long as everyone involved is an adult, fully consenting, and not in the least

I would be okay with conjoint marriages, but the model set out by the sister wives group is less cool to me. The fact that they are four "individual marriages" is what puts me off, if the wives considered each other as their own WIVES and not sisters who are married to the same dude I think I could see it working.

Why is the tach upside down?

According to her lawyer. So that should be taken with a grain of salt.

Before the idiots start in:

1) The First Amendment does not cover or protect harassment and threats.

If I had her body I would probably be naked all the time too

I think you have it backwards

We're not wearing it for you, we're wearing it for us. Stop trying to police our bodies!


Obamacare just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"the closets you get to a personality there is the one girl w ho likes Flamin' Hot Cheetos."

When it was new the SVX was very future. So "next." Wow.

I like you.

It's probably not even YOUNG men buying these cars. I would think that it's older men buying these cars because older people have/make more money and because older women were working much of their life in a less equal environment than we have today.