
Y-Wings are worthless, the Red Shirts of the Star Wars universe. And I say that having beaten X-Wing and Tie Fighter.

Serious question, Mike. I know you played/reviewed Marvel Future Fight last year. Since then I’ve gotten increasingly hooked on it. Reading this review reminds me of a lot of the mechanics in MFF, but even more menu-based.

I just got mine a few hours ago, so it must have come back up.

You just railed against the health risks of milk while encouraging the intake of coffee, alcohol, and sugary desserts and cereals. Zero credibility.

Great question! I work for a financial institution, and practically every customer and transaction has to be cleared against these lists. There are many software companies that specialize in identifying matches with these lists, and they’re usually configurable by the bank for “sensitivity” or other factors. My

Heck, with this deal it’s only $80 (maybe 86 with shipping).

Overwatch is, at the very least, a MOBA-like game.“

The gun nuts are winning.

I saw the headline and assumed Air Jordans were being retired by Nike. If only.

I hadn’t noticed, but I had assumed it was probably older than that Civil War poster that was released this week.

So Bionicle ripped off Civil War?

So blacklisting goes both ways then!

That clip was from A New Hope (not ROTJ), about the original Death Star. Specifically its plans and weak points, not its location.

I was about to say the same thing. Spirals > elbows. Pretty much anything (except character shapes) > elbows.

It also made an appearance in Metal Gear Solid 2.

So now that the embargo embargo has passed... when can we expect Kotaku’s review?

The idea that Marvel might de-emphasize certain franchises because they don’t control them across all media is unpalatable but believable.