
“I lived them, it wasn’t so bad” - probably because you’re the exact type of person Reagan and his administration liked - a white, straight, neurotypical , middle class American man. I know it’s the big scary no-no word these days, but y’know what that’s called? Privilege. It’s best you start recognizing you lived a

Oh this is beautiful!

He should have just complied.

Facebook needs to step back and literally fuck its own face. This is just another way to make people keep their account open so they can keep mining data. Fuck them. 

1. That’s not how gaslighting works

Ronnie sucks.  Ronnie’s family sucks.  Ronnie’s “friends” (nobody actually likes Ronnie) suck.  Don’t be like Ronnie.

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

It’s the biggest aspect of the speed wars and probably the most discussed point on any fast vehicle attempting to go fast.

Someone with better eyes than I have could probably find out from the pic, but they are Michelins. We’ll have more/actual data once the attempt is certified.

I’ve always suspected that Bugatti and Michelin were full of shit with their “tHe Tire’S cAn’T hAnDlE tHoSe SpeEdS!” excuse. That’s the lawyers talking about safe operating ranges, when in reality the tires can absolutely handle several 300+ mph runs before exploding.

This is not a ‘both sides’ issue. When the question is “should police be allowed to kill unarmed, sleeping civilians” the answer is “no” and there’s no option to be tolerant or open-minded. There isn’t a compromise “police can have a little murder, as a treat” option. While there might be different solutions to the

At least Mercedes said the right thing:

Nice, Lewis! You are the greatest Formula 1 driver of all time so use that position for change. If people don’t like that, they can go fuck their conservative, racist, twinkerbelle asses. Tough shit, eh, republicans?

Oh yeah, and when you’re asleep in your bed and they murder you? And then protect the cops who pulled the trigger blindly. That’s the fucking problem.

They probably had legislators on their side tack on enough nonsense amendments and extra spending proposals that it ended up totally gutted and useless. That’s usually how “good” bills with strong support die.

Until proven otherwise, ACAB

The problem is people are going to stop being ok with it. Which is when things get very very violent.

Here is a crazy idea. If police want to police protests, they must do it in full uniform with full badge number visible if they want to have the privileges that come with being the police. If you want to arrest someone, you get to do it under the scrutiny of the public. If you need to defend yourself with force, you

Plain clothes, running up and snatching someone without clear establishment of what authority you are representing is not how we as Americans accept an arrest. This person was not a violent extremist or anything that would require a tactic of this level. Nor would would we arrest someone who did meet that level in

Do you lick the boot or do you also suck on it too? Like whats your technique.

Also, the negative partisanship is the reason we have no empathy anymore...and when you can look at this an be like “cool” then our democracy is fucking dead.

Here’s a free pro tip: everything is political. So are your calls for no discussion of politics.