
The first LW is fucking nuts. I understand not being able to break up a relationship easily, but ten fucking years? What the hell? Just tell them and move on, sheesh.

Um, you stop leading her on.

Jezebel: *looks at Vogue cover* WHAAAAAA NO WAY Lena Dunham looks that good. Must be photoshopped to hell. Quick, Cry foul!

I just have to ask why did you guys target her? I mean if you've got issues with photoshopping so be it. You easily could've written articles about how Photoshop sets an unrealistic view of women without targeting Lena. I just don't get the point of this.

You're right. I'm all kinds of annoyed. I would love to see a response from them.

what you meant to post was: "my bad. our mistake. we were wrong." but you managed to make one hell of a typo.

I think you're giving them too much credit. They fucked up. It backfired. They look stupid.

Three articles? Really?

Instead of putting out a 10K bounty on the real photos and getting all whipped up about it, Jezebel's headline should have been "Lena Dunham looks like her beautiful self on the cover of Vogue, here's why that's a good thing". The cover image was the least re-touched of any of the photos, and she looks very much

Yes, for fuck's sake. You fucked up, either admit it, or shut up about it, but PLEASE just stop posting about it. Nothing you say will make it better*, you're just digging your own hole deeper with every word you type about this. Let it go. STAHHP.

Did Lena Dunham sleep with Jezebel and not call the next day? Because this seems very personal.

God.. you guys are awful. I just imagine the Jezebel staff laughing at our outrage.

Usually, I got your back, Jez. But now? Just...

To Jessica Coen of Jezebel - you should stop posting and go home.

I'm glad they posted Dunham's response. The added bit, about Vogue bad photoshop bad blah blah blah was unnecessary though.

Yeah, bad work on the part of the writer. Not only does she not give much info past the breed, she also spent most of her space talking about her texting habits. I find that happens with a lot of the "journalistic" efforts on the Gawker sites. Just because you don't have to measure your copy in inches of newsprint

You photoshop your dogs, so I trust nothing you have to say on the subject.

The quote from the breed advocate was hardly coherent, let alone helpful. Or maybe my brain is just broken today.