
Yep, and you can't change a URL either, so that sucks for them.

Ugh, this happens all the time on Jez/Gawker and it drives me crazy. Everyone makes mistakes, and there is nothing wrong with owning up to them.


You know that menstrual blood does not come out of the urethra, yes?

Hahaha I can't stop laughing. These tweets made my day.

Ha, I actually feel the opposite. I think they give her too much credit and gloss over major red flags- like when James Franco was raped by Dr. C.'s ex-wife.

I thought this show had a lot of promise mid-way through its first season, but it's getting pretty painful to watch at this point. There are a couple funny lines per episode, but character development has gone completely downhill. For instance, there was this random storyline in the first episode about Dr. Reed

Haha! I loved that too.

That article is a sham, but the comments on it are actually giving me faith in humanity again (we all know that internet comments usually do the opposite).

No worries, totally been there! :)

Erm... Pretty sure that is a satirical site...

Ah ok, I understand now. Thanks!

There's certainly a need for outreach to women; in the Virginia governors' race, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, who is basically a political cartoon of a political slimeball that has come to life, defeated Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli by 2.5%, thanks to women, who favored McAuliffe over Cuccinelli by 9 points.

I was confused by that sentence too! Definitely needs to be reworded.

Madeline, I appreciate your insight, but as everyone here as said, Sarah Connor wasn't always a ripped badass. Casting someone scrawny in the prequel would actually make sense. So...this article is completely pointless. Sorry.

I would ravage him.

Ha! Love it.

This an amazing story! I'm in a coffee shop, trying not to laugh out loud, especially the parts about Poor Manuel. I would have changed my name too!

Haha that was my first thought too... They aren't that far away from each other. Then I remembered how heinous the traffic is in the Bay, and I understood.

I'm torn on this show. Season 1 had a rough start, but really found its footing half-way through, and I really enjoyed the latter half. Season 2 has been meh... Definitely not as funny, and it's weird how they've eliminated certain characters from speaking/having storylines (Betsy, Dr. Reed). I love Mindy Kaling and I