
So am I on or

Adam Morrison just can't catch a break.

It's just you. That elbow 1) was clearly intentional, you could see LeBron really put some umph into it, 2) was like getting sucker-punched, and 3) caused him to bite his tongue open, his mouth was full of blood. So yeah I think I'll give him a pass for laying in pain for a minute, going to get a concussion test, and

That "stop at N" command is vicious - who among us doesn't automatically blow through "LMNOP" ?

The color-coded alert system should go red, then orange, then yellow, then green, then blue, then indigo, then violet.

Mushrooms. You meant 'everyone' everyone, right?

Good luck in law school. It will be 3 shitty years, then your life somehow gets even shittier.

Dude law school was 100x worse than undergrad for me and everyone I knew.

So much for our national right to peacefully assemble, I guess no one here's heard of the First Amendment.

You're correct that "what's really interesting" for more so than the raw numbers is the per capita numbers. Then why oh why don't we get that chart instead of the boring one?

I think that was more of a "no one wants your autograph" gesture. Which is a pretty awesome comeback if the Rice defenders tried using the autograph stuff as trash talk.

The Olympic athletes just can't be in uniform while they appear in any commercials for foreign products. That's all covered in the Uniform Commercial Code.

No big deal... anyone jailed under this ban will be eligible for habeas corpus just like under U.S. law. I read about it in the Russian legal treatise, Putin on the Writs

Who or what's a Speed?

[DuckOnARockLobster drops mic, takes the rest of the day off]

If the refs didn't blow that obvious goaltend in the early minutes, Burke doesn't get his first foul when play continued....and he doesn't have to sit out those 14 minutes.

It's an awesome dunk. But why does everyone feel compelled to call this move - and those like it - a 360-degree dunk?

I don't really care if "no one likes me," the truth of the matter is these dunks are not even close to being 360 degrees. I don't say this to diminish the awesomeness of the dunk in any way. It's a sweet dunk and I enjoy watching it, but why do you have to insist on calling it something it's not?! It's not accurate,