"It's happy hour" - was that the voice of 47 - David Bateson? Sounded just like him, or am I just starved on Hitman games?
"It's happy hour" - was that the voice of 47 - David Bateson? Sounded just like him, or am I just starved on Hitman games?
You misunderstand, I only play PC games...
Too bad I have no PC gaming friends, well I do, but they all play EvE and WoW because they are complete dipsticks...
Since Sid Meier's Pirates (both of them) I have longed for a good pirate RPG or Simulator.
I remember playing Diablo II for months on end when it came out, if only Blizzard could have left at least a little of that Magic in D3. But now, everything in the game is about making money. It's terrible, hell even the game is terrible, just a big heap of make-up.
I think you give humanity a little too much credit.
Interesting, but I would really like to dig deeper into this - for example. If all games where downloaded. What changes would be needed in infrastructure to handle that? How much hardware, software, energy etc...
"two wrongs don't make a right." Isn't that the expression?
Looking forward to this game. A lot. And I´m thrilled that the Day Z mod gives the entire franchise a well deserved boost in media coverage.
- Laptop in hand
I'm one of those damned PC elitists ;)
Talking about game addiction and prolonged gaming sessions, Anno 2070 has a nifty feature where the "AI Helper" of the game actually tells you that you have been playing for an extended period and advices you to get up and take a break. Disregard her, some hours later she get's really concerned.
No it won't
If there is one thing that is gonna drive this world to hell it's planned obsolescence.
To be completely honest - even though some were offended by trailer. We must all admit that this considerably raised the awareness of the consumers. I bet you a 1000 banana-dollars that the pre orders have gone up as well. Significantly
That old hobo in 0:23... At least he can afford beard-conditioner. It's SO wavy and jumpy..
I don't own the Hitman franchise - if I did, this trailer would piss me of.
To make it as difficult (and funny) as possible, some people in New Zealand should pitch in and buy it..one hell of a flight
I am amazed at how boring and "lazy developed" I think Diablo III is, yet I can´t wait for the work day to end so I can go home and play it.
So, just like your comment?