sure does
sure does
Thor looks like Leonardo Di Caprio to my eyes, the other ones are more or less spot on..
Kotaku, you have European users too you know! :)
No Blizzard, this is completely out of line...I can't even start to express how unacceptable this is.
Actually bought Arma II for this mod, just goes to show yet again that an open modding community can do wonders for a games sales as well.
Personally, I went from being a huge playstation fan and customer until their customer service treated me like shit for 10€ that I tried getting a refund for..
Is that preorder content for Hitman for real?
Someday I would like to try to be an executive.. they seem so blissfull.
"And if you, against all odds, reach the finish line, we will drop three WW2 bombs on you, just for good measure"
With anything that’s Core i5 or above, the games performance is much more likely to be held back by your graphics card than your CPU
Reminds me of that pipeline scene in some old James Bond flick. The one where they smuggle people from East Germany via gas-pipelines. Can't remember it's name though...
Yes, fantastic track record
Yes, that is a link
Always with the effin guns now a days!
Swedish SOG? - Särskilda operationsgruppen. - Allow me to lol some
Whatever you do when you mount the motherboard, DO NOT forget the distance screws!
He he he... Imagine that happening for real! A well established goalie just flips and dry-humps a striker like a over-enthusiastic puppy.
What is the actual damage I wonder? - Have the record company payed any money to the developers? Have they in any way invested? - And who comes up with a number like that? 8 million dollars? For what?
It´s always an issue isn't it?