
Cities Xl is fun, but they need to stop fooling me! Every anual iteration of the game not being more than a slight expansion pack. I buy it every time, and get equally dissapointed

Too soon to say is it not?

I would agree if it wasn't for the original that is Catherine.

When it comes to SimCity no amount of bad game-clients or evil distributors will stop me from buying it. It's SimCity for crying out loud!

Now playing

On the "commentary" video on [SimCity.com] the devs express that the entire game will be tilt-shift focused.. I for one love it.

I didn't get to work on time this morning because of that screenshot, and the trailer of course :)

Someone listended to us! :)

Guy in headset seems pretty laid back

Talk about missing the point

Well, then our opinions differ.

It is, but equally political. Especially if you look at it's history

I'm from Sweden though :) But I still agree with you ..

Douglas Adams had a nice idea how to make leaders work for the greater good and not their desire for wealth if I'm not remembering it wrong.

Maybe I should have added some kind of smiley representing a tounge in cheek in my Ultra-Democracy comment...

Isn't it time that we come up with some new fresh political systems? I mean Communism and Capitalism are both waay to old to fit in the modern world - both have rules that were applicable maybe 50-100 years ago. Not today. Democracy needs to be fixed as well - my suggestion is Ultra-Democracy, were all Citizens in a

I sold my copy of Bully when I sold my PS2, in order to afford my PS3 at release. In retrospect I kinda regret not having that game in my library, as well as the other Rockstar games I sold Warriors, GTA and Manhunt

Those Bradleys aren't very well camouflaged by those Juniper bushes — oh wait, that's explosions.

I agree that it should not be too much: "Billy Blanks has no one in his life, help him find a girl or maybe a puppy" But as long as the requests are in the line of infrastructure and improving the city I don't mind the "Sims" part. — Cities XL always felt like ghost towns for missing that part.

Upon seeing these news I imagine the feeling i felt is not completely unlike the feeling you have when you win the lottery. - I actually got goosebumps on my butt.

unless it's posioned in some way, plants would thrive no?