
Like a giant and dangerous Mikado game!

If I was living in that world my only goal would be to find a hardware store and scavenge some buckets of paint with crazy colors, then I would just throw it out on random stuff — Bleak game is bleak


"Now that I think of it," he said, "it was a mistake to just blindly focus on expanding. I should have gone after profitability instead."

Spending time in Dalian, China for some work. I was appalled by the manners of some people, especially when it came to spitting - great snot loogies ended up in the plastic christmas tree pots that the hotel had placed outside the elevators...

I had no idea that there are such tensions between Hong-Kongers and the mainlanders. Interesting article. :)

Crazy for real - it's a gas stove for crying out loud..shouldn't that product sell itself by it's own accord?

So instead of using marketing or commercial space, Proview does this. And hence their name and products are known to all. — I for one think it's a brilliant move

Det er en fælde!

So true. It's too bad that we keep moving away from tinker-able mechanics and only use technology that gets discarded and replaced the moment it does not function as intended.

"All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer."

Here's a nice summary:

Rob Liefeld! The best; worst illustrator ever

SDD is the best upgrade I've ever made (for PC).

Isn't that Doom 3?

Played the friends and family beta build with a friend. Can´t tell you much but it has some really nice stuff going for it.

Might be the best (or worst) costume for any suicide bomber.

No1 on the global list for temple run has 9.223.372.036.854.755.807 points!

Comment on artwork:

After reading all WD comics I have fatigued feelings about this..