But to be honest, if they shut down gaming, do they expect the affected people to all of a sudden do something the government deems as "productive" instead of just switching the channel and watch TV instead?
But to be honest, if they shut down gaming, do they expect the affected people to all of a sudden do something the government deems as "productive" instead of just switching the channel and watch TV instead?
Been playing Total War: Shogun 2 sooo much lately those maps are pretty imprinted on how Japan is supposed to look :)
FPIWSL-games are like that Luke. It´s a genre few people understand ;)
Just had some marathon days with BF3, playing squad with a friend. And I can't get enough of it.
Epic, yes I agree
Thanks for the translation, for all I know it says: "Eye" "Mullet" and "insert food here"
As long as we get some closure on the reaper story in ME3 I'm all cool.
Well as long as the stoichiometry is right :P
Ah, I thought it was your console..
That picture scares me, what the hell happened?
I use my Guitar controller to play Modern Warfare, I am yet to kill one person after 45 hours of play
So, where can I buy this? Or for that matter any of the stylized and good looking gaming posters that pop up here from time to time.
You know, one of those friends. When he finally does something good, everyone he knows applauds him for it...(stuff all others does on a daily basis)
Most friends: yes
So nothing to do with HAARP then?
What are you talking about?
With that lovely tanning line it seems Mr Head has had some time over to hit the golf course.