
We tend to try and put the blame on whatever the addictions root is from: games, drugs alcohol, sex etc. When the addiction really stems from within the person. Does not matter what the "drug" is.

Moderation is the key as always. But so hard when life is boring/falling apart around you.

Well la ti da..good for you. Its like saying: "I drink alcohol and I'm not an addict"

I stopped hanging out with a friend back in 1992 because all he did was play MS Minesweeper.. Mind you he had a Sega Mega Drive with Altered Beast that he wouldn't let me play.

23% is a big bottom line

What we have here is a country that is undergoing it's industrialization/production revolution at break neck speed - where was china only 25-30 years ago?

Finding it equally hard to choose the best games just as I have choosing "the best movie" or the "best music" - it is so subjective to my mood, what I have been playing lately, and even how I've been performing in those games. I also tend to praise old games from memory, only to discover that when you reinstall &

You know, just like you are entitled to say that Skyrim is your No1 game ever. The Kotaku staffers are just as entitled to their opinion. - That's what makes opinions so nice. Kinda like democracy.

Company of Heroes

I think a heart is in place :)

It's the ghost in the machine you know. Be nice to your computer, pet it and don't speak to loud when it's downloading files. You might scare it...

So how about Minecraft?

Prejudice much?

My great great grandfather died in a mudslide when inspecting a newly dug channel he was responsible for. Dunno if I wanna relive that :I

If I ever win the lottery I'm gonna buy 4 of these suckers and place them facing each other in my man cave. It would be epic.

They SHOULD ban people that use the sentence "I lol'd" too

So people actually payed this guy to download pirated stuff they could get for "free" on say Piratebay?

To me it seems like Japanese Cosplayers have this humongous plethora of characters to choose from - of a hundred J-Cosplay pictures I am happy if I can identify 2 or 3 tops..

It´s like watching a interpretative Hungarian puppet show from 1978. All brownish and no one really knows what the hell is going on.

Well, while you kids keep discussing what money grabbing corporation "loves you the most" I will be sitting on the deck of the Normandy and hitting on everything that moves.