
Clearly the Vita is not for hipsters at least

Thank you for the feedback

What has the retail market to do with anything in my comment?

So apparently I am quite alone in my opinion that Origin is something that's good for the online distribution market. - Sure the application itself has some kinks to work out. But as far as monopoly goes, Steam is more or less there. And monopoly (monopolies?) are never good - healthy competition will benefit the

The trick is to hit the engineer himself. To repair the transport choppper you have to stand in an open doorway - a well place rpg om machine gun will stop that mofo. ;)

Noticed one tactic, this aimbot mofo that killed everyone with headshots, then shot of a couple of rounds into the air after each kill so that a high accuracy percentage would not give him away, too much at least.

Yay you, sucking all the fun out of a quip comment.

CAN mean mr Word Nazi

To some extent. An article like this one needs to be written in a way that makes us westerns able to associate with the story. Hence the "iPad" or "Xbox" references. I for one think is is a good way to make people realize what goes on on the far end of the consumer chain. - If the story was about a "micro-conductor

Translated directly into Swedish, "SOPA" can mean "Garbage" or "Trash"

With a strong powerpoint showing arrows that shoot up far into 2016 you can surely get hold of some money.

Yep, someone must have placed a cigarette inside the barrel of that gun

Sooner or later though it will come to it. It would be feasible if the low price can support a larger number of paying customers. Kinda like Spotify where everyone does get a piece of the pie, (albeit not without grumbles from some artist) But that piece will grow larger as the paying user base grows. 9£ or $ a month

Of course, a tremendously complex issue, especially on a global or at least; western scale

I'm finding the current TV situation interesting, it seems to me modern day TV networks are in a strange situation were they want to (and have to) develop how TV is delivered and watched and yet they fail to see good future business (low cost & high volume) because they wanna keep making big bucks from commercials and

But to be honest, did not Blood Money do just that as well? Hell every Hitman game has had this. Go stealth or bananas, your choice.

Now playing

How about Volkswagen, a company founded in 1937 by the Nazi trade union, now using the "imperial march" and Darth Vader in a 2011 commercial? - I'm finding it ironic

Had an issue like that but it was easily mended, on my console it was just a small plastic arm that ran from the laser reader to a spinning "screw cog" (I have no idea what the real name of these things are) Some pressure made the arm meet the cog again and the consoles disc reading has worked fine since.

Absolutely, and it pisses me off when instead of doing a nice story driven three-game-franchise, they have lost the story and just seem to regurgitate that one piece of gum you already chewed for days on end.

My office will look just like that when I win the lottery, dangit!