
But the EMALS!

When I use command prompt to quickly resolve an issue, people literally look at me like I just shot a Kamehameha out my hands.

That’s my philosophy. If they’re too stubborn/greedy to get it onto one of those 3 services then they can go to hell.

Prime is amazing and it’s definitely worth $99 (or 49 if you’re a student FYI).

I only download if I can’t watch it on Amazon, Netflix or Hulu. Content creators should make sure it is available on a popular platform.

Yup, I was conned into buying this game. Couldn’t get rid of it afterwards, just threw it in the garbage.

Just can’t go to a cemetary and dig up graves. It’s dead...

I just started playing it today and, Goddamn, Respawn really outdid themselves. I’m only about 5 hours in (I think I’m on the last story mission, I’ve kinda flown through it), and haven’t touched MP at all yet, but it’s easily in the running for GOTY. Anyone who even marginally enjoyed the first Titanfall should

Damn. Thank you for sharing that.

It has been 9 years since I deployed to Iraq. I spent 15 months there doing convoy recovery. Since I got back I’ve dealt with at times crippling PTSD, and about three years ago my therapist recommended I try playing a more realistic war game, as it apparently helps many people (though honestly I don’t know how). At

This was a great show and it is a miracle it lasted as long as it did on CBS. I think the reason it survived is it started as a fairly generic, but well done, procedural with a gimmick (bread and butter for CBS) and only got deeply into the near future sci fi elements once it had built an audience.

that actually happened in a game I was in, guy nick named Cowboy (on account of always wearing a cowboy hat) turned almost everything sexual and managed to seduce the dragoness we were in midfight with.

To add some detail, the Half Orc Bard was named Thrust and he refered to himself as Thrust, Half Orc, Half Man, all Bard ;). His character would wink everytime he introduced himself to someone.

I love the pissed off look on the damsel’s face.

A few months ago, my friends and I were wrapping up our DnD 5e campaign with a crucible of boss fights. Our DM had been pulling mostly from the Monster Manual for big boss encounters, but there’s one fight that he meticulously put together himself.

Used to game with a group of players who absolutely hated bards, to the point that they would inexplictely try to find in-game reasons to kill bard PCs because... “fuck bards.” So of course I rolled a bard, convinced everyone “no guys, I’m really just a sorcerer focusing on illusion spells and I have a few levels of

When I asked one of my players what class he wanted play he replied “Middle” his character was named Skip McClinton a ginger human cleric who fought with a skillet. He also insisted his character speak Swahili and wear a university of Miami hoodie, not because he’s a jerk but because that’s who he wanted to be.

I had that same Watchmen anticipation and disappointment. But this doesn’t feel like it’s going to stumble the way Snyder did, by being too slavishly devoted to the source material.

Hey Natasha! You’re not going to see this comment, but this was great, thank you.