
Yup last 5 books were a pure hate read. You know the I’m so pissed this has dragged on so long but the frak if I’m not going to finish it kind of thing. In fact this is what has kep me away from George RR Martin after trying his first GoT book, halfway in I got flash backs to Jordan and said yeah right not again. I

It would only be weirder if you were asking for bearded dwarf women.

What if she was killed because of schedule conflict? She is a main character on FTWD and that probably pays more and is higher profile. this way they get a bit of drama from a character they had to remove from the show. It’s just a thought.

No Patricia Briggs “Fire Touched” feature everyone’s favorite coyote Mercy Thompson? For shame!

OH THANK THE GODS! A proper Elektra ! At this rate I’m giddy at the possibility of season 3 or 4 having a proper Bullseye or Stone and company!


i wrote it, went uh not quite what I meant. Frak it, it’s funnier than anything else I’ll come up with. Glad someone else got a good laugh out of it.

Wasn’t this already on CW and done well under the title Nikita?

I picked up something I think you missed Rob. This episode kinda seems to question Carol’s ethics/code/morality quite a bit. The first point being Sam, if Carol hadn’t gone to such great lengths to put the fear of god into Sam (She didn’t just do it once she brought it up once or twice) maybe this wouldn’t have

We’ve seen this before, Favreau’s first IronMan, Nolan’s the Dark Knight, Guardians of the Galaxy, and now Deadpool. These were all huge and over performed for a good reason. They were true to their source material with out slavish adherence. All the X-men films were profitable bit not nearly as much as any of these

Yeah but what if that’s exactly why they did that with Glenn, to make people think they’ll leave him alone for awhile now and BAM most gruesome death ever.

Yeah that’s what I’m expecting with Carl catching a round with his eye socket.

That’s what I’m talking about the finale made Lincoln sick to his stomach and couldn’t sleep , ergo what I said to Rob.

I’m wagering what upset him was the Neagan/Glenn/Lucille threesome. Okay that looks wrong writing it that way but it’s the least spoilery way to describe I can come up with.

For me it was a wrapped in a bright super hero wrapper that contained sweet action that had been soaking in comedy for a long time with slightly gooey but tasty love story hidden in the center. Ironically a lot of the people at the show before mine and including mine were on dates and the girlfriends that I over heard

Thanks for tip, much appreciated. Yeah the murderous Roger rabbit big turn off.

Maze! Her name is Maze and she is a delight that we see too little of. She just oozes nasty evil and sex usually with a whiff of disappointment after Lucifer does something “nice”.

Cool thanks for the heads up. Just getting back into comics after a decade+ hiatus.

Much Grass compadre!

You wouldn’t know what issues those were in would you? I kind of shied away after Kelly stopped writing and things got too farcical for me.