
And sure as hell don't get so worked up over them that you actually invest the time to create a burner account just so you can leave pointless comments telling everyone how unfunny they are over an extended period of time; comments that will be ignored because they come from a random burner with no credibility who

I'm not sure he deserves to be an All-Star, but he is the first NBA player this year to star in a video that wasn't a complete flop.

You know Wade isn't even in High School any more, right?

Wait, I think we're talking about different Kobe's. The one I'm thinking of is retired and is the GM of the Washington Bullets. That must be the source of confusion.

That can't be right. If that were true, then why would Kobe be in Washington?


"Ah, that's cute ... NOW, KICK IT BACK OUTSIDE! I'M OPEN!"

I'm actually quite enjoying this. Seeing a star player set all sorts of previously unfathomable records while occasionally lapsing into sudden fits of rage really brings me back to the good ole' days....



Later that night, at a traffic stop after Smith was spotted weaving through Brooklyn:

As a father of a newborn, I feel I'm something of an expert at enigmatic smiles coming from an interminably grumpy, emotionally stunted creature ... so I'm afraid I know what is happening here.


Well, it's a more subtle trap than last week's poll:

Now that we know for sure that one writer did cheat on his ballot, and that one other one at least intended to - though we can't be sure who - I feel we have a moral obligation to ban the entire BBWAA from the Hall of Fame process for life.


If you think that I live in Houston, your reading comprehension and logic skills leave something to be desired. Thankfully, your obvious inferiority complex and provincial world view should more than amply compensate.

Not a single one of those was in Houston. Which center of enlightenment do you call home? And, from there can we make generalizations about your values or the specific place that you live based on the actions of a few idiots who might live within a few hundred miles?

It was a nice effort, but my guess is that Shin's letter won't even be read by Rodman.

Unfortunately, Carmelo again ran out of time and got cut off before the last 10 words or so of his apology: