
When I'm on mobile browsing pictures for articles don't load. They load when I click the article, but not when I'm scrolling through them. I first noticed it on jalopnik a week ago and it just makes it unenjoyable to go through so I've just stopping going to that site, not out of spite, only because sometimes I judge

Thought talking about Dwight at first, was disappointed.

After reading your comments, I'm not sure you're aware of who Plankton is. Certainly not an organism who has a stick up his ass and doesnt understand sarcasm. After all, Sheldon Plankton is 99% hot gas and 1% evil. Maybe you should change your name to Patrick Star, since you seem to be so naïve and get flustered

When was this? 294 has never been backed up for a whopping 7 whole hours, that would be ludicrous. 2-3 hours I can believe. Someone you knew was pulling your leg.

Crabtree was the victim of three OBVIOUS pass interferences that didn't get called only the first quarter. It was outrageous.

John Mayer look alike contest.

This is truly awesome. Not just athletes from other countries, but actual Russian athletes protesting. Amazing.