
Lol of course lh is already riding that liberal media bandwagon

Debatable still... at some point these batteries will go bad and end up in a landfill somewhere, likely poisoning the ground. The electrical grid is also mostly powered by coal and fuel still so it’s not all clean. I know tesla tries to use solar/wind/green sources for the supercharger network but most of it just

We’ve had this and more on our cellphones for years with much better results. I don’t see the big deal here.

CPSC is just a complaint hotline... they don’t “do” anything.. its like the Better Business Bureau... its just a place to collect feedback and if enough of it is negative they make a statement... but it’s more like government bullying.. they don’t actually look into the products themselves. It’s like when they trashed

Of course.... the French....

Antibiotics are mostly unnecessary though. They help to fight bacterial infections faster, but if you don’t have them eventually your body figures it out. I wondered this once when I had pink eye, and thought about how homeless people must get pink eye and other infections all the time but don’t have medical care...

LOL I was almost shocked to see so many commenters on this highly liberal chat being so against the guy who got shot, but then you brought it all back in the “uncivilized racist western” nonsense. Like most other liberal societal aspects, you see a slight glimmer of hope and then it’s immediately torn down.

They are really working up to being the remaining franchise in Demolition Man! Mellow Greeting Taco Bell!

The 100 and Supernatural are at the top

This show started off so cheesy... they had too many cast members so they quickly cut off the dead weight... but the remaining team was decent... then 3 cast changes later.. its jumped the shark so many times but each time adding some likeable character (Like Nate and Constantine) so it made it ok.

I really liked the Savitar season... I think 5 maybe got too “buddy cop” and “we need to have a feel good message” every few episodes that shows us empowering women or love or some other nonsense that just didn’t fit. Even in the latest season, Armageddon pt 4 you had to stop and watch this nonsense 10 year later love

That’s called victim mentality and you should just learn to accept that Netflix isn’t personally attacking you with shows you may not like. You want them to monitor your more so they can better assume what you like but then complain that they are watching you?

LOL wut?!

Congress gave us the freedom to put our phones down. It’s also THE motivation for most all lib protests.

Hmm cartoons don’t catch COVID and voice actors can work in a booth separately so let's not blame COVID for this one

(These studies only reported results under these two genders.

Satire is not a thing on The Root

Wow. You really just take any topic and make it racial, huh?

I think we all need to get out of the movies for a second. We won’t be “playing soccer with a friend” in the metaverse because there’s no way to emulate physical movement to that level. Even in ReadyPlayerOne he’s on a multidirectional treadmill but even one of those won’t be enough to play soccer on reliably with

If anime wasn’t so bad, this might be good