
Sounds like you hit a pothole and blamed the car for “jerking the wheel”

There is no “cure” for cancer

Now let’s be sure all the editors and readers here read that carefully “Americans have the right to hear dissenting opinions

Pretty simple... anyone with a face piercing or colored hair is likely a lib

My only question is who?

Some would say they didn’t “Become assholes when they got rich”.... they “became rich because they were assholes”

LOL when the libs attack other libs ... we get the popcorn out

Desktop apps, in 2023?! ok... boomer?

Fireworks were a gift from Darwin. It helps us separate the wheat from the chaff

The politics link is broken

Tucker looks like a fun, happy guy.. what’s the problem?

Lots of “moms” saw Justice League... they don’t know the characters just took their kids. A ticket sold means nothing to die hards... 5 mill weekly viewers > 25 mill one time viewers

but that clearly isn’t true as you are replying to him making a joke

LOL why are we even spending time on this? This will never happen. Gas stoves been around for decades and suddenly its trendy to hate on them. They don’t leak.. natural gas is more efficient than electricity, and we are already trying to get EV’s on the grid which will be even more strained by everyone switching to

LOL how to tell if your kid is “odd”... jeez.. all poor behavior is ok when you give it a medical name. 

A lot of hate for Ghosts/... not sure why.. After ghosts came Advanced Warfare which had a great single player campaign but the multiplayer was so bad with everyone floating around that a lot of people went back to ghosts for the rest of the year. I personally loved the campaign, especially the end twist

This is probably one of their best ideas... especially back in 2017 where Samsung was released “Dex” and a few other Window phone to pc ideas were in the works. Honestly iOS is still so simplistic and hasn’t changed in anyway so it makes perfect sense to make this a reality but it would basically kill the ipad.

Lets not forget the woke shows causing people to leave

The tech is NOT anywhere near where it needs to be or even where they think it is for this to be true. Nobody is buying into this considering only 1% of the world even has a vr headset.

If there aren’t walnuts in your Chocolate Chip Cookies.... then don’t bother making them