
“up to their promises—and their owners’ expectations.”
Maybe the owners are just happy about owning a Tesla..... a brand they have never have been able to afford until now. It’s all new for them.. wait for the honeymoon to end before taking their input.

LOL $179 for a $10 spinny brush. Hysterical!

LOL $179 for a $10 spinny brush. Hysterical!

The main reason to warm up your car now isn’t for the oil... its for everything else. Frozen metals and plastics are rigid and much more likely to crack when you take off and hit that first driveway curb. So your windshield/windows, shocks, radiator, etc are all susceptible to wearing out faster and then you start to

Interesting how the report always says “Winner” for Verizon when its up by 0.2 points over Tmobile...

17 is legal in Chicago

Or don’t be a moron and just buy a much cheaper treadmill or bike and watch a live instructor app on your iPad like CycleCast for only $10/mon and use it with any bike or treadmill you like.. at home or the gym or a hotel. People and the shit they will waste their money on.... amazing.

Should have kicked the camera man off too for not holding his phone in landscape.

And i’ll charge only $19 for a vpn around that nonsense.

lol and who gets all this fine money? 

Would be cool if they named a demon Lucille or Rick or something as a little hidden TWD nod

Hoping they bring Harold Ramis back as a ghost!

No.. no they don’t

So this obviously takes place before Infinity War...

He punched a 12 yr old girl.. color doesn’t matter unless this was racially fueled. Honestly, don’t make things about race when they are not about race.

“If your phone or laptop dies or gets disconnected, no more TV for you.” old article but just noticed this false statement... Once your phone or laptop hands off the connection, it doesn’t matter if it dies.. However.. you do lose the ability to control it the chromecast... which is the real problem.

There’s a dirty sanchez joke in here somewhere....

Without seeing this hillbilly’s picture, I already knew what he looked like.. and yes.. screams pedo.

Proud boys... the worse crime is the name

Uh.... It’s run and visited by a bunch of tech nerds... so yea... afraid of women.

Heh.. R. Kelly “streams” are increasing.... I bet they are... Keep your 14 yr old daughters out of his stream.