
Whoa.. whoa.. whoa... Tumblr is still around?

Based on that first image, Looks like Samuel L Jackson is about to have some #metoo on his hands.

He’s many colors... black isn’t one of them.

But it will be the best pic he’s ever taken

Somewhat expected. DD S3 actually wrapped things up for the most part. DD goes back to his roots and sits up top the city listening for crime. The last scene with bulleye not withstanding... but also somewhat trivial.

We still need them to add the “Speak” command from a triggered routine... like Alexa does. You can do “repeat after me” or “broadcast” commands.. but only when you say something to trigger it.. needs to be able to trigger from other smart devices.

Safe for kids?

Safe for kids?

FYI....Main picture is an iPhone..

As long as they don’t stop selling human horn

I have exactly zero ideas how the Whisperers are not only directing the zombies, but keeping them from getting distracted, and I’m definitely going to need an explanation. “Because they hang out with them” will not be a sufficient answer.


She looks like the “Cash me ousside” girl

Never knew there was a Dredd movie remake in 2012... and I love Dredd. Advertising... It pays!

Terminator:Genisys was actually a pretty good movie.. The time twist made it feel original while still nodding to the original story line. Emilia Clarke wasn’t the best cast choice but not quite a Kristin Stewart or Hayden Christiansen.

That’s exactly what they are doing. They are not quitting.. Many smokers just want to cut back.. so they vape in between. It’s still safer than a cigarette.

Those studies are flawed. Why would anyone go from vaping whatever flavour they want to shitty-tasting & smelling tobacco cigarettes?

Vaping doesn’t help people quit. It just gives them an alternative to help them cut back. Most smokers are fine with smoking a couple cigs a days, but want to cut back from a pack a day... the vape is the solution for that. That’s it.

Better off trading to a carrier that gives you more. Traded an iPhone 7 32GB to Tmo for $390 off the Xr... No way you’d get $390 from ebay or anywhere else for an iPhone 7. Amazing deal.

Am I the only one out there that was no impressed by the Dyson DC44 vac? Wonder if Shark did a better job with this form factor.

Am I the only one out there that was no impressed by the Dyson DC44 vac? Wonder if Shark did a better job with this