
But we can legally teach our dogs to heil without punishment.. so 1st world FTW

But it only sees “E”s


I’d fine the original story where there were once human side to be a good equalizer.. where by killing these creatures, they return to their normal size and it eventually frees the underlying human from the pain.

There is no point in reviewing a slow laptop.. period. There is nobody who would choose a slow laptop for battery life. I’d rather have to charge every 3 hours but have a blazing fast experience. Battery packs and outlets are ubiquitous but slowness has no solution and only frustrates...

And of course the best American coffee comes from Columbia

Why Garmin over Samsung Gear? I think Tizen is the only alternative OS with a decent line of apps like uber, spotify, flipboard, nest, fruit ninja, bmw, and remote camera control

can these be AI meshed yet?

can these be AI meshed yet?

It was all those Street Fighter V Blanka slams

There are 2 types of people in this world....
Those that understand that Gotham is NOT a show about Batman but about how both villains and anti-villains in the Gotham universe came to be. It’s a well written show placed in a non-existent era designed to describe possible origin stories for all of our beloved comic book

Yes I noticed after i posted and was too lazy to delete my post :)

Yes I noticed after i posted and was too lazy to delete my post :)

etekcity plugs are $3.00 off of $26 .. not 2 for $12

etekcity plugs are $3.00 off of $26 .. not 2 for $12

So I assume I have some number of seconds to comply?

Coco was legit... that song does stay with you afterwards too.

I want the poo.com one

Why are they called “trailers” anyway when they are first.. they aren’t trailing anything

But Peter Parker found it first didn’t he?

While ultra insensitive... there was no crime here.. I’m glad they looked into it.. and I’d like if they could have a public ass kicking for the guy... but there will be no charges.

Seems the drones are as temperamental as the models

You speak the truth