
Fuck her, fuck the fans of her show reboot, fuck all this. Why the fuck is her show still going? Why the fuck is she allowed to do this with no repurcussions? What the fuck...

Damn. That’s cold, calculated and beautiful! Wow. Not enough stars for this one...

The Sun, which is a tabloid. Kanye paid them. Bobby Brown’s sister took the picture and sold it to the tabloid.

You read my mind. Maybe Kanye’s saving the photos of his mother for his next album. I don’t think he’d be calling it art if someone did this to him. So disrespectful.

And that is precisely what he deserves.

For me, other than they obvious poor taste and shocking lack of compassion, the $85,000 question is exactly who got paid for the use of this photo? As it doesn’t have Houston’s image in it I imagine that may not be the estate of Whitney Houston, and I’m not sure who would have been photographing that bathroom other

Damnit. He had to? Nah. He could have literally put ANYTHING else on the cover — trump even — and I’d have listened to it. He’s determined. Is he tryina see how much shit he can pull? C’mon man. What a troll.

Does anyone have a photo of Donda West in patient clothes or examination room?

Ok so...if anyone wasn’t already on an anti-Kanye stance after that ‘slavery is a choice’ bs, the degradation and lack of humanity that made him think it was acceptable to use this photo in ANY way should do the trick. Lordttt he disgusts me. Oh and Pusha-T; just because your monies didn’t pay for it doesn’t make you

No, but no air bag is an issue

Wow, network TV has lost me completely, now. If Fox keeps Ghosted while cancelling these shows, then I’ll be angry.

But fear not, my American friends. The tribes of Europe shall keep the sedan and wagon flames alive.

I’ma let y’all finish talking about this unexplainable mess in a minute, but there’s something more important we need to address;

Wait until the find out that we use these rustic, recycled beverage containers to hold our alcohol.

Yep - better late than never. Which really should be the Tesla company motto.

So, he’s saying the Tesla affordable SUV is 2 years out.

In 2010, Tesla said it was “safe to say” the $30k-$35k Tesla would be here in “2012,2o13" - 2 or 3 years out. It’s 2018, and we’re still only at $56k versions of the Model 3, with the $35k version another 6 to 18 months away.

If history repeats, this means the

I nearly died of lack of oxygen because I couldn’t stop laughing at the bloody awful rear end. This thing is so vulgar but I guess it will be successful with Rick Ross.