
Have you ever seen one of the primates at the zoo throwing their poop at people? Now imagine it’s a 400 lb. guy with a gold toupee. That was today’s press conference. Utterly disgraceful. How anyone could ever have thought this moron was a good idea is beyond me.

lol @ that fucking nerd, i just read the whole thing. besides the obvious excuse-making, the disingenuity of acting like it’s *only* 8 senators & 45 total members is the part that fucking did it for me. like, there’s only 538 congresspeople total in our country, 45 of them grouping together is not an insignificant

Also that commenter is fucking idiot with the world’s tiniest circle. Openly admitting that you don’t know what the CBC is just shows the world how dumb you are.

Commenter that I refuse to bring out of greys: “He doesn’t know about the CBC because the CBC is a tiny little organization. Also, it’s not the President’s job to set up meetings. He actually requests and accepts them, and somebody else organizes them. He’s just doing what he normally does. Given their generally

What, y’all don’t know each other? I know every other misanthropic asshole in the world. Including Shawn. Fuck Shawn.

Can we just cancel the damn cookout?

I get it, and that is a totally normal take. But I’ve known several (well 3) people who have made a big deal of getting and storing something in a safe to find a couple months later that they couldn’t remember the combo and broke into their own safe, and then leave it like that, like dumb ass expensive wicker basket.

EDIT: You were right. lol

Frightful end to such a troubled life.
Unspeakable in many regards.
Continuing to talk about this should be done with respect.
KKK references are rarely met with objective commentary.
Enough violent dialog, I belive there has been too

But for real my friends, do get tested. #STISARENOJOKE

Doesn’t syphilis end up eating holes in your brain and causing insanity before it kills you? I’m not saying we’d be able to tell the difference because he’s just a rancid fuck all around but now I’m curious.

it looks like he smells like puss and vodka

“Violence against law enforcement officers”

Speaking of Fox News, look at this shit::

after I discovered I was out of organic, gluten-free mayonnaise

Am I the only one who finds the irony in that this boycott was started by Baked Alaska; an ice cream cake usually made up of diverse flavors with a frothy white meringue at the top that is set aflame while the diverse center remains unharmed.