
Oh, one more thing. The best journalism school is the University of Missouri. Same state as the best team in baseball.

This trick play is called "the Statue of Sadaam."

I'm glad to see Nike is taking such a tough stance on the abuse and exploitation of children.

That's ok, I won't point out that Grammar Nazi should be capitalized since it's a title.

I'd hit that.

In homage to Goodell, I am going to do everything possible to avoid watching this video.

That loud sound you hear isn't the sound of applause for this move , it's the sound of the Ravens' collective hamstrings snapping from all that backpedaling.

In related news, the New York Post will no longer be using the term 'reporting.'

Fast forward to fall of 2013 when I started dating my girlfriend. She's from California and couldn't know/care less about football. She finds out I am a fanatical Jets fan and hears me bitch about Mark Sanchez one day and says "Oh I know that name, who is that?" Once I inform her she says "Ohhhh that's the football

Shaw will continue to be allowed to attend his classes. However, his teachers have become concerned that maybe his dog didn't really eat all of his homework this semester.

You'd think a hockey player would keep better track of which line he was on.

The Haul

Nobody tell him about Ozzie Smith!!!

I don't think you all just start applauding and saying, "Oh my God, the savior is here and our paper is safe"

If Archer really wanted to throw shade at Ortiz, Papi would probably knock that for a solo shot as well.

Man, you guys are really beating a dead horse here.

10/10, would run Legend of the Hidden Temple with

And at the end of that summer, we all went our separate ways. I used to see Tyrese and Johnny in the hallways, but by the close of our freshman year, they were just two more faces in the crowd. I heard that Tyrese got married and has a couple of kids. He drinks a lot these days, and finds work doing odd jobs around